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Our Birmingham, MI Med Spa is Open!
What “R.E.O.P.E.N.” Means for You!
Now that we have reopened our Med Spa doors, we’re getting back to the business doing what we love – helping women and men love the skin they’re in and feel great about their appearance. But, due to the coronavirus, we have all been required to make significant changes to our daily lives.
As medical professionals we are committed to each and every patient and employee’s safety, health and well-being. Which is why we have put the most stringent coronavirus policies in place. One model that helps us – and our valued patients – stay safe is adherence to the philosophy of “R.E.O.P.E.N.”.
In this article we are sharing the six important steps of “R.E.O.P.E.N.” that help ensure everybody is safe as we open our Med Spa doors.
Responsibility – during Coronavirus Spa Opening
We assume full responsibility for establishing coronavirus prevention guidelines and protocols – as well as adhering to and enforcing their overall compliance.
This includes asking the right questions before scheduling an appointment, screening every patient and employee who enters the building, and meeting or exceeding all CDC recommended protocols. You can see our full list of coronavirus safety protocols HERE.
Employee Safety – during Coronavirus Spa Opening
Employees. When employees get ready to return to work, there are some factors to consider:
At AMAE Med Spa in Birmingham, MI we require employee temperature screenings every day. We also provide all employees with medical-grade PPE equipment including masks, sanitizer, gloves, etc. Employees workspaces now have 6 feet of social distance from other staff members and patients.
Office Sanitizing – during Coronavirus Spa Opening
A thorough, deep sanitizing cleaning was performed before reopening our Birmingham, MI Med Spa. All rooms are also thoroughly cleaned between patients, and our staff cleans and sanitizes rooms between patients.
All common surfaces – counters, doorknobs, light switches, pens, credit card machines, bathrooms, etc. are also routinely cleaned and sanitized throughout the day, following OSHA and CDC guidelines.
Patient Protocols- during Coronavirus Spa Opening
- Make sure to have ample supplies of sanitizing germicidal wipes for surfaces, as well as hand sanitizer by all entry ways, check out or common areas, and in the waiting room.
All patients will be required to wear a face mask. We also have sanitizing stations in key areas of the clinic for patient use.
To limit the number of people in the clinic daily, NO patient visitors, including children, may accompany the patient until further notice.
Patients are requested to remain in their vehicles. They will receive a call from the office staff at the time of their appointment when the room is ready. And we will have a quick check in process at the desk to limit the interaction at the front desk and reserve this space for checkout only.
- Will you be requiring them to wear masks or PPE? If so, will you be providing them for your patients?
- Establish processes (if you have not already done so) to have paperwork filled out digitally beforehand – limiting the amount of face-to-face interactions and appointments. If you can do a telehealth consultation, that is ideal.
- Communicate your new safety precautions, new hours, limited services, limited interaction and social distancing procedures via email, phone calls, newsletter and social media.
Employee Training & Communication – during Coronavirus Spa Opening
Now more than ever before, communication and education of our Birmingham, MI Med Spa team is vital.
We continually communicate our safety protocols and expectations to all staff. We have provided training on how to sanitize objects, properly handle all cleaning products, correctly use PPE, and maintain social distance from other staff and patients.
New Normal – during Coronavirus Spa Opening
Adapting to the “new normal” is our responsibility as providers of the highest standard of medical care. This means staying abreast of all the new and continually changing government orders, mandates and laws. It also means remaining current on all CDC and MIOSHA health and safety guidelines and following all recommendations.
As life and our Spa Services return to the “new normal”, know that our team at AMAE Med Spa is here to offer you the latest and most advanced aesthetic services – while adhering to every protocol and procedure to keep our patients safe and healthy. We remain both vigilant and flexible as we adapt daily to the coronavirus situation – so that we may continue to help our patients look and feel their very best now and for years to come.