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What to Know Before Getting a Chemical Peel
Chemical peels are versatile skin care procedures that can improve the appearance of the skin on the face, neck, chest, or even the back or hands! Chemical peels are an excellent treatment to reverse signs of sun damage, aging, acne and other troublesome skin conditions.
Currently, with everybody wearing masks due to the coronavirus pandemic, our Bloomfield Hills area patients are reporting an increase in acne, clogged or enlarged pores, and dull or greasy skin. Chemical Peels are an easy, enjoyable and affordable to reverse the effects that face masks are having on the skin.
In this article the Chemical Peel experts at AMAE Medical Spa in the Bloomfield Hills area discuss what you need to know before getting a Chemical Peel.
How Chemical Peels Work
During a Chemical Peels a specially formulated chemical solution is applied to the skin that causes it to exfoliate, and in most cases eventually peel off. The new skin that is revealed beneath is smoother and healthier and appears less wrinkled, scarred or pigmented than the older skin.
Chemical Peels also rid the skin and pores of oil, dirt, dead skin cells and other debris that can cause clogged and enlarged pores and cause breakouts.
Different Strengths of Chemical Peels
There are three basic types or “strengths” of chemical peels. You and your aesthetician will select the right peel for you beforehand, based on your skin care needs and the amount of downtime you can tolerate (from none to a few days).
Superficial Chemical Peels: Also called a “lunchtime peel”, a superficial peel only penetrates the outer layer of the skin for gentle exfoliation. There may be some mild pinkness, but there is typically no downtime.
Medium Chemical Peels: A medium chemical peel penetrates more deeply and is used to improve signs of aging skin as well as smooth rough skin. Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and Jessner’s peels are medium strength. These peels may take 5 to 7 days day of recovery time.
Deep Chemical Peels; These typically us a high concentration of Trichlororacetic Acid (TCA) or Phenol to remove several layers of skin and damaged skin cells. Deep chemicals peels can treat severe wrinkles, long-term sun damage, darker pigment changes, and lesions on the skin.
Only a Doctor like Dr. Ali may perform a deep chemical peel – and deep peels cannot be done on darker skin types. Deep chemical peels also come with significant downtime.
In many cases we typically have an advanced laser, IPL or radiofrequency treatment that can achieve the same or better effects of a deep chemical peel – but without the prolonged downtime!
Chemical Peels Aren’t for Everybody
The best candidates for a peel are light hair and fair skinned people as there is the possibility for damage to darker skinned individuals.
Peels are not recommended for people with infections, active skin disease, cuts or broken skin, sunburns or active Herpes Simplex. Patients should also no have a chemical peel if they:
- Are pregnant or nursing
- Have taken Accutane in the last six months
- Have psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis or Rosacea
- Have used Retin-A or other prescription skin care in the last 48 hours
Alternatives to Chemical Peels
For the right patient, with the appropriate skin conditions, chemical peels can offer phenomenal results! But for patients with darker skin, or who have underlying health issues, or who need a procedure without any downtime, AMAE Med Spa in the Bloomfield Hills area offers many alternatives to chemical peels.
Skin Stylus Microneedling with PRP is an excellent skin smoothing and rejuvenation treatment. We also offer ThermiSmooth radiofrequency treatments to stimulate the natural production of collagen and improve the skin’s overall quality and appearance.
Our Frax 1550 Laser Treatment offers non-ablative skin resurfacing that smooths texture, and minimizes fine lines and wrinkles, stretch marks, acne scars and surgical scars. And the Nordlys IPL PhotoFacial offers laser skin rejuvenating with little to no downtime, so you can resume your normal daily activities immediately.
Chemical Peels – Bloomfield Hills, MI Area
Every skin care appointment is our Bloomfield Hills area Med Spa begins with a thorough skin examination, so we can put together a customized treatment plan just for you and your unique skin care issues.
We will select the best chemical peel for your aesthetic goals, as well as explain other treatments that may complement or replace a chemical peel, for the best most beautiful results in your individual situation!