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Why Bioidentical Hormone Replacement is Better than Synthetic Hormones
Our hormones affect nearly every bodily function and aspect of our health – from energy level, to weight gain, to sexual arousal and performance, and much more. Menopausal hormone decline in women, and “Low T” in men, are just two of many hormone issues that can cause health problems.
History of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Hormones were not really isolated and identified as the root of mental and physical health issues until the 1960s. And, it wasn’t until the early 2000’s that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) was in widespread use.
Originally, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) consisted of synthetic hormones, that were made entirely in a lab – and were not derived from anything naturally occurring. Many years later, scientists and physicians developed bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) which consisted of hormones extracted from a natural source like plants. Bioidentical hormones replicate the exact molecular structure of the human body’s naturally produced hormones, including: estrogen; testosterone; progesterone, etc.
Bioidentical hormones are superior to synthetic hormones in many ways. At AMAE in the Bloomfield Hills area, we offer BioTe Hormone Replacement pellets that use only 100% natural BioIdentical Hormones.
The Difference Between Synthetic & Bioidentical Hormones
The primary difference between synthetic hormones and bioidentical hormones is accuracy or similarity to the body’s own hormones. When you make something as complex as a hormone in a lab, it simply can never identically match the complexity of a natural human hormone.
One analogy is to think of the body’s cells as little “locks” and the body’s necessary hormones as “keys”. Since biodentical hormones are exact copies of the body’s “keys” they can function just like the body’s hormones to unlock the cells. Whereas, a synthetic hormone is a little bit different, so it is NOT going to exactly fit the receptor cells (lock) as well – meaning it may not work, and issues may arise.
Risks of Synthetic Hormones
In clinical studies conducted in 2002, the side effects of synthetic and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy were compared.
Researchers found that taking synthetic forms of the hormone progesterone posed a much greater risk to the health of patients than natural, bioidentical hormones. For example, synthetic progestins were associated with an increased risk of developing breast cancer.
Bioidentical progesterone, however, had the opposite effect and actually inhibited breast cell division and stopped breast cancer (by acting on kinase inhibitors).
Much new research is continually being conducted on hormone replacement therapy, but recent clinical trials consistently show that bioidentical hormones are not only more effective, but also a safer long-term alternative to controversial synthetic hormones.
BioIdentical Hormone Replacement – Bloomfield Hills
If you are suffering from low energy, fatigue, decreased sex drive, weight gain, mood swings, depression, anxiety, insomnia, or other conditions affecting your health and well-being, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy could be the solution you need.
Schedule a consultation and blood test at AMAE in the Bloomfield Hills area today to see if bioidentical hormone replacement pellets can help you attain better health, renewed energy and an improved sex life!