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Masseter (Jaw) Botox for a Slimmer Face
The “in” look changes from generation to generation and from decade to decade. That’s part of what makes “fashion” so much fun! But it’s not just clothes that change – the ideal of women’s beauty changes, too.
And in 2023 there has been a big shift in female beauty standards. People are finally sick of the pillowy, over-plumped, too-much-filler look of the 2010s – thanks to celebs like Madonna who overdid it! The good news is that the artificial, over-filled look is now being replaced by a more natural, sculpted facial appearance.
In other words, the exaggerated cheeks and lips of the Kardashians, Madonna and the Real Housewives are out – and a more natural and refined appearance like the Hadid sisters is “in”.
And, surprisingly, Botox jaw injections can help patients get a slimmer “V-Shaped” face, at AMAE Med Spa in the Troy, MI area. That’s right! We can use Botox to relax the jaw muscles to help a square jawline become more V-shaped and feminine. In this article, the Botox specialists at AMAE Med Spa in the Troy, MI area discuss the safety, FDA approval, and science behind masseter Botox for facial slimming.
What is Masseter Botox?
Everybody knows Botox reduces wrinkles and lines in the forehead and around the eyes! But many of our patients are surprised to learn that Botox is a popular treatment for medical purposes, too. In recent years, it has gained popularity as a treatment option for TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder) – in which patients clench their jaws and grind their teeth. and for facial slimming, specifically through the use of masseter Botox.
TMJ disorders can cause pain and discomfort in the jaw joint and muscles that control jaw movement. Symptoms may include jaw pain, difficulty chewing, and clicking or popping sounds when opening and closing the mouth. But TMJ also causes the jaw muscles to build up and become more prominently visible.
Masseter Botox involves injecting botulinum toxin type A directly into the masseter muscle, which is one of the muscles responsible for chewing. By relaxing the masseter muscle, Botox can reduce muscle tension and alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with TMJ disorders.
In a study published in the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, researchers found that Botox injections provided significant relief of TMJ pain and improved jaw function in patients. However, by relaxing the masseter muscle in the jaw, Botox ALSO reduces its bulk appearance – slimming the face!
Masseter Botox for a V-Shaped Face
The masseter muscle is one of the muscles responsible for the shape and size of the lower face, and overactivity of this muscle can cause the jawline to appear wider and more square-shaped than desired.
By injecting Botox into the masseter muscle, the muscle is temporarily weakened, resulting in a reduction in the size and shape of the lower face. This treatment originated in Asian countries like Korea, known for setting beauty standard around the world. In Korea, where many women have a very round face, a more V-shaped or heart-shaped face is considered desirable. And Botox helps them achieve this look without surgery and with no downtime.
How Masseter (Jaw) Botox Works for Facial Slimming
Masseter Botox works by blocking the release of a chemical called acetylcholine, which is responsible for muscle contraction. The masseter muscles are responsible for chewing and clenching the jaw, and when they are overactive, they can create a bulky appearance in the lower face. When injected into the masseter muscles in the jaw, Botox blocks the signals that tell the muscles to contract and temporarily weakens the muscle, reducing its ability to contract and therefore reducing its size and strength.
Over time, repeated injections of Botox can cause the masseter muscles to atrophy, or shrink, which can further enhance the slimming effect. The exact duration and extent of the slimming effect can vary depending on factors such as the dose of Botox, the size of the masseter muscles, and the individual’s metabolism.
In addition to their cosmetic benefits, masseter Botox injections can also have therapeutic benefits for people who experience jaw pain or TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder due to overactive masseter muscles. By reducing the size and activity of these muscles, Botox injections can help alleviate symptoms such as jaw pain, headaches, and difficulty chewing.
Masseter (Jawline) Botox | Troy, MI Area
The trend towards a slimmer facial profile and V-shaped face is a reflection of today’s shift towards more natural-looking beauty. By using Botox and other facial slimming treatments strategically, it is possible to enhance the features of the face and create a beautiful V-shaped jawline, while still maintaining a natural appearance.
As always, it is important to choose a skilled, experienced, and certified physician or nurse injector to ensure safe, effective, and beautiful results. Schedule a consultation for masseter Botox injections at AMAE Med Spa in the Troy, MI area and get the beautiful, natural facial shape that will help you love the way you look!