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5 Best Treatments for Dark Spots & Sun Damage
2023 has been the hottest summer on record! And along with more intense exposure to the sun’s UV rays comes unwanted pigmentation and spots. Pigmented lesions, more commonly known as dark spots, age spots, or sun spots, can have a hereditary component. But long-term sun damage is the primary contributor to the appearance of sun spots on the chest, neck, face, and hands.
Unwanted pigmentation can take a wide variety and diverse range of colors, shapes and sizes – making a women or man self conscious about their appearance. But the good news is that AMAE Med Spa in the Troy, MI area offers a wide variety of highly-effective, state of the art treatments that can reduce or eliminate dark spots, signs of sun damage, and other unwanted pigmentation.
#1. CO2RE Laser for Sun Damage & Pigmentation
AMAE Med Spa in the Troy, MI area recently added one of the most advanced skin resurfacing technologies available: the Candela CO2RE fractional laser. This state-of-the-art skin resurfacing treatment dramatically reduces unwanted pigmentation by removing the dead, dull, aged top layer of skin tissue, while simultaneously stimulating cell regeneration with a fractional laser.
Special frequencies of laser energy specifically target the pigment in the dark spots, sun spots or melasma, and vaporize the red (hemoglobin) and brown (melanin) discoloration. The CO2RE laser can reverse sun damage, remove spots & pigmentation, and leave skin clear and glowing.
CO2RE laser skin resurfacing and wrinkle reduction is a safe and effective way to take years off your appearance. And, for most patients, only one laser skin resurfacing treatment is needed for remarkable results that can last several years!
#2. Ellipse IPL Laser Treatment for Dark Spots & Sun Damage
The Ellipse Selective Waveband Technology (SWT®) directs pulses of controlled light at special frequencies into the body’s upper layer of skin. The selected pulsed light targets and is absorbed by melanin in the pigment. Once the light energy is transformed into heat, the parts of the cell that store melanin are destroyed.
The staff in our Troy, MI area Med Spa are trained on how to use the FDA approved Ellipse laser system, which is clinically proven as treatment for dark spots & sun damage on the skin. Light pulse and wave lengths are carefully chosen to target and destroy dark skin cells without any damage to the surrounding tissue.
#3. Fraxel Laser Treatment for Dark Spots & Sun Damage
An extremely safe treatment for dark spots & sun damage, Fraxel encourages the growth of new skin by creating microscopic wounds. This might sound frightening, but the tiny wounds aren’t painful and many patients say the procedure is like getting a mild sunburn. Redness goes away in a few days and can easily be covered by makeup. Plus, the procedure won’t cause the patient any downtime and there’s no scarring.
#4. Microneedling & PRP Treatment for Dark Spots & Sun Damage
For treating dark spots and sun damage anywhere on the body, we offer the SkinStylus microneedling treatment, the most advanced system that outperforms other microneedling systems and devices and delivers “fractional” microneedling to target pigmentation. Microneedling can be used to treat dark spots and pigmentation anywhere on the body!
PRP or platelet-rich plasma is extremely rich is growth factors that helps repair skin cells the same way it helps the body repair itself. The process starts with a simple blood draw from the arm. The blood is spun in a centrifuge to separate the concentrated platelets – rich in growth factors – from other types of cells before the PRP is applied during microneedling back into the face.
#5. Chemical Peels Treatment for Dark Spots & Sun Damage
The Chemical Peels offered at AMAE Med Spa in the Troy, Mi area can be customized for each patient to allow for more precise control of the peel depth and strength. Light/superficial chemical peels are ideal for minor sun damage – and offer the advantage of a soothing treatment, without downtime. Medium to deep peels may require a few days of work, while the peeing and redness subside. But they can offer a dramatic reduction in pigmentation -at a fraction of the cost of laser treatments.
Our the Troy, MI area Med Spa staff will carefully evaluate the type and depth of a patient’s skin damage before determining the specific type and number number of chemical peels needed for treatment of dark spots and sun damage based on the patient’s unique needs.
Treatments for Dark Spots & Sun Damage – Troy, MI Area
Every patient is carefully evaluated by our team of skin care experts before we make a recommendation. Troy, MI area board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali offers the absolute best, state-of-the-art technologies in dark spot and sun damage reversal. Each skin treatment begins with a professional skin consultation. Treatments are selected and optimized to meet the specific needs of each client with the most innovative and comprehensive products and technologies.
Schedule a dark spot and sun damage reversal treatment – and then relax in our Troy, MI Med Spa, while we make you look and feel younger and even more attractive!