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FDA Approves Cannula for Injecting Juvéderm
Juvéderm Voluma XC is a hyaluronic acid filler used to add volume to one’s cheeks. In the past, patients who visited our Troy, MI med spa for Juvéderm had no choice but to have the filler injected with a syringe. But now, people who are curious about Juvéderm but are squeamish about needles are in luck: thanks to recent approval from the FDA, Juvéderm may now be administered through a cannula.
At AMAE Med Spa in Troy, MI, board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has embraced this new practice of administering Juvéderm. In this article, we will discuss the difference between administering Juvéderm with a needle versus with a cannula.
Juvederm – FDA Approved for 16 Years
While the cannula method of administration has only recently been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, Juvéderm Voluma XC itself has held FDA approval since 2013. In fact, Juvéderm was the first facial filler with FDA approval to provide temporary correction to age-related loss of volume in the cheeks. In the years since, countless Troy, MI area men and women have visited AMAE Med Spa for Juvéderm injections.
While Juvéderm was originally intended to be injected with a traditional needle, many doctors began to observe that, when injecting the filler to the mid-face area, a cannula works equally well.
Juvéderm manufacturer Allergan took note of this, and by conducting an exhaustive clinical trial of the alternative technique, saw to it that the cannula method of administration secure approval from the FDA. This meant that while some healthcare providers had already adopted the use of a cannula to administer Juvéderm, Allergan could now provide all practitioners with thorough education and training as to how to safely use a cannula to inject Juvéderm. At AMAE Med Spa in Troy, MI we value the safety of our clients above all else, and are thrilled to offer our Juvéderm patients this new, cannula-based procedure.
Now, board-certified Troy, MI plastic surgeon Dr. Ali joins the ranks of the many doctors who inject Juvéderm Voluma XC using a cannula, in addition to a needle. And thanks the research conducted by Allergan, Dr. Ali can provide all of his Troy, MI area Juvéderm patients with the safest, most effective care available.
Needle vs. Cannula for Juvederm
But just how exactly does this new method of injecting Juvéderm improve upon what can be done with traditional needles? For starters, the cannula used to inject Juvéderm is not only flexible, but has a blunt tip. This stands in stark contrast to rigid, sharp-tipped needles, which are more likely to puncture blood vessels when injecting Juvéderm. Furthermore, Juvéderm patients who underwent the cannula method have, in some cases, been proven to experience less bruising than patients injected with needles.
Additionally, the cannulas used to inject Juvéderm are generally longer than most needles. For this reason, cannulas can usually deliver the filler to the desired area through significantly fewer entry points to the skin. Cannulas allow for the doctor or nurse injector administering Juvéderm to treat the entirety of the cheekbone, under eye, and midface using only one injection. For these reasons, when injecting Juvéderm to the facial area, the cannula method has become a favorite of board-certified Troy, MI plastic surgeon Dr. Ali.
Delivery Advantages for Juvéderm Injections
Ultimately, both cannulas and needles offer their own unique advantages for injecting Juvéderm. While board certified Troy, MI plastic surgeon Dr. Ali has wholeheartedly embraced the use of cannulas, instances remain when he still opts to use a needle. When a Juvéderm procedure calls for total, minute control of the filler, needles -with their ability to create lift and deliver precise injections- deliver ideal results. During procedures where the goal is the smooth restoration of contours and volume, however, Dr. Ali prefers to use a cannula.
At AMAE Med Spa in the Troy, MI area, it is our priority to provide all of our patients with personalized care that has been customized to meet their needs and desires. During their consultation, Dr. Ali will ask the patient what they specifically hope to accomplish with Juvéderm, and based on this information, will assemble a custom treatment plan.
Whether or not their treatment plan involves needles or cannulas will vary from case to case. But whatever goals the patient hopes to reach, the cannula method’s FDA approval exists as one of the tools available through which their Juvéderm treatment may be performed.
Juvederm – Troy, MI Area
Since 2013 Juvéderm Voluma XC has been one of the leading facial fillers available to our Troy, MI area patients. Now, thanks to the FDA, Juvéderm patients have more than one option regarding how the product is administered. Whether the cannula method or the traditional needle method winds up being right for you, if you are in the Troy, MI area and are interested in the incredible results provided by Juvéderm, contact AMAE Med Spa for a consultation today.