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When Should You Start Getting Botox?
Since clinical studies have now demonstrated that Botox injections can actually help prevent the development of wrinkles, people are wondering when is too young (or too old) to start getting Botox injections.
Because every person’s skin is different – due to heredity as well as external factors like sun exposure – there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the perfect age for Botox. However, there are some general guidelines to consider when starting Botox injections.
If they were a lifeguard, maybe 30. For darker skin tones, , but it will also depend on the circumstances.
Botox In Your 20s
Generally, in your twenties, wrinkles go away when the face is relaxed. So, rarely, is Botox recommended for a person in their 20s. The general rule of thumb is to start to treat lines with Botox when they “stick around” even when the face is relaxed and the person is not smiling or frowning.
For the vast majority of patients lines do not start to show at rest until they are in their 30s. However, men and women who are exposed to intense sun (such as lifeguards), as well as smokers, may develop resting wrinkles earlier.
Botox In Your 30s
While some patients start asking for around their thirtieth birthday, in general the typical age Caucasian women do best when they start Botox is somewhere between 35 and 40. For women of color, the appropriate age to start Botox generally tends a bit higher, from around 40 to 45.
Once resting wrinkles appear, the earlier a patient starts Botox, the better. This is because Botox not only relaxes existing wrinkles but also is effectively used as a preventative measure to avoid fine lines and wrinkles from developing or deepening.
The level of sun damage, the amount of natural muscle movement or expressiveness of the patient, hereditary skin elasticity, and environmental factors all effect at what age a person should start using Botox. For example, a person who is genetically predisposed to wrinkles on the face, or a person who is constantly frowning may need Botox treatment earlier treatment.
But, as a general rule, if someone is taking care of their skin, Botox is generally recommended for both wrinkle treatment and prevention in the thirties.
Botox In Your 40s
For some lucky women, crow’s feet and forehead furrows do not develop until they are in their 40s or 50s. This may be due to heredity, a healthy lifestyle, or both. Women with darker skin also often do not begin to develop wrinkles and lines until well into their forties.
Other women in their 40s (or beyond) may have had wrinkles for several years but never had the time or the money to seek out a remedy such as Botox injections.
The chronologic age to start Botox is less important than the condition of the skin and the dynamic wrinkles themselves.
Whether a woman’s (or man’s) crow’s feet and furrows are just starting, or well developed, Botox can still help relax their appearance in a person’s 40s and well beyond.
Botox In Your 50s, 60s & Beyond
There is no upper age limit when a patient can have Botox injections. Many of our Botox patients are in their 50s and 60s – with some well into their 70s. As long as a patient is in good health, without certain underlying medical conditions, and not taking blood thinners, an experienced and skilled doctor or nurse can achieve wrinkle reduction in patients of any age with Botox.
In fact, many amazing looking celebrities in their 50s and 60s openly admit to maintaining their youthful appearance with Botox. Beautiful Brooke Shields (age 53), Super Model Cindy Crawford (age 54) and absolutely ageless Christie Brinkley (age 64!) all attribute their smooth, young-looking skin to Botox injections!
Botox – Birmingham, MI
Doctor Ali is a board certified plastic surgeon, and an experienced Botox specialist. He will take the time to understand your appearance goals, assess your facial and skin condition, and develop a Botox treatment plan that is right for you.
Our Birmingham Med Spa offers the absolute best, state-of-the-art anti-aging technologies, including: Botox, facials fillers, line fillers, lip fillers, Fraxel, ThermiSmooth, and other wrinkle and line reduction procedures. Schedule a consultation to see if Botox, or another Med Spa procedure, is right to meet your anti-aging and skin rejuvenation needs.
Then relax in our Birmingham, MI Med Spa, while we make you look and feel younger and even more beautiful!